Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Writing Prompt Wednesday #1

So just to verify I get all of my writing prompts off of Pinterest, none of these are owned by me.

I'm taking a risk and doing my first Writing Prompt about Anxiety and Suicide Prevention because people need to know that their words and actions do hurt others and it's not okay. I know that a lot of people don't make it to the end of their story, I just want to let you know that you may not see it now but the journey is worth it, don't give up on your dreams and never stop believing in yourself. You are incredible and I am here if you need me. I'd love to talk to you, help you. Please reach out, don't keep it bottled up because it doesn't help, trust me. Bullying in any shape or form is NEVER okay, it's not kids just being kids or a mandatory part of life, it's something that should be prevented and actions should be taken to prevent it. Schools should own up to it instead of suppressing it and acting like it's normal. People should start speaking up because this doesn't effect just America, it's worldwide and NO ONE should even think about ending their life, cutting or turning to drugs to escape it, Be strong, be kind, and Survive.


     The day had gone well, up until she reached her breaking point. Being the odd one out all of her life she'd accepted the fact that she will never be normal. She'd accepted all of the crappy rumors and snide comments coming from other students and even teachers on either side of the hall, but she couldn't accept this. Her boyfriend cheated on her the same day that she lost all the stuff in her locker to a "flood", to top it all off her Mom wouldn't be home for another two days.

     She felt so alone, no one is here for her. Her Dad left when she was six, her best friend moved to New York and her Mom is constantly traveling. Peyton is at her wits end. After getting home with a soaked backpack and a bill from the school for more than $300 dollars worth of school materials she'd had enough. She gripped the rim of the porcelain sink and tried to steady her hands. She's trying to control the urge to explode.

"One last time," she whispered to herself.

One. Last. Time.

     Then she'd stop taking them, she'd flush them down the toilet and never look back. Peyton reached for her anxiety medication that her therapist prescribed her. Shaking a blue pill out of the bottle and into her hand she filled a cup with tap water and swallowed down the pill. She was about to throw them in the toilet when she realized that if she told her therapist that she'd done it again she'd be cut off and she'd be admitted to the hospital again by her aunt. She'd tried so hard to get the people at school to like her, no matter how she dressed, styled her hair or makeup she wore they wouldn't stop.

     She dreamed of leaving the small, judgemental town and living out her dream of being a singer. That's the only thing that keeps her going, her will to live is the music that she's passionate about. Her favorite bands are her inspiration, All Time Low, Pan!c at the Disco, Memphis May Fire and Sleeping with Sirens, to name a few. She sang when she is sad, the words of the misunderstood people kept her going. One day she hopes that the anxiety will lessen up and she can inspire others who are going through life's harshest moments to survive because the journey may never be easy but it's always worth it.

*End of Writing Prompt*

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