Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Writing Prompt #2

The Writing Prompts I use are from Pinterest, they don't belong to me and I do not claim them.

     It's the year 3064 and life has changed so much since the year 2020. I haven't aged since I turned 18, 1,044 years ago. I have been waiting for my soul mate for so long, watching couple after couple grow old together and live happy lives.  You wouldn't believe how many jobs I have gone through and how far technology has advanced. We have holographic phones, but we have yet to master the flying car. One step at a time I guess. 

     My name is Vivian Raylie and I am still waiting. I am currently walking through Walmart, yes we still have them, making sure to make eye contact with everyone around me and look for mints. I was trying to choose a flavor when I heard someone cough behind me. As I turn around I see what has to be one of  the sexiest men ever. He smiles at me and introduces himself as Michael Clifford. His hair is blond and he has an eyebrow piercing, which haven't been popular since 2016. I shyly smile at him and ask him if I am in his way.

"No, you're not. I know this will sound weird, but would you like to hang out later? I know this awesome cafe in town." His smile is blindingly beautiful.

"I would like that, I haven't had friends in a while." I realized that I shouldn't have said the last part but he didn't seem fazed.

He gave me his number and we both continued shopping separately. I am looking forward to hanging out with him later. He looks really familiar like I've seen or known him in my past.

*2 yrs later*

Michael and I have started to age again, he got taller! I can't believe I finally found my soul mate after so long. We are planning on getting married in a year when our baby girl turns two. Michael let me go out for a spa day with one of my friends and watched Victoria. When I came back I was greeted with an electric blue colored haired Michael and a small electric blue baby giggling up at her father. I was so mad until he informed me that he found one of the temporary hair color pods in my old bag and had to do it. 

The end :)

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Writing Prompt Wednesday #1

So just to verify I get all of my writing prompts off of Pinterest, none of these are owned by me.

I'm taking a risk and doing my first Writing Prompt about Anxiety and Suicide Prevention because people need to know that their words and actions do hurt others and it's not okay. I know that a lot of people don't make it to the end of their story, I just want to let you know that you may not see it now but the journey is worth it, don't give up on your dreams and never stop believing in yourself. You are incredible and I am here if you need me. I'd love to talk to you, help you. Please reach out, don't keep it bottled up because it doesn't help, trust me. Bullying in any shape or form is NEVER okay, it's not kids just being kids or a mandatory part of life, it's something that should be prevented and actions should be taken to prevent it. Schools should own up to it instead of suppressing it and acting like it's normal. People should start speaking up because this doesn't effect just America, it's worldwide and NO ONE should even think about ending their life, cutting or turning to drugs to escape it, Be strong, be kind, and Survive.


     The day had gone well, up until she reached her breaking point. Being the odd one out all of her life she'd accepted the fact that she will never be normal. She'd accepted all of the crappy rumors and snide comments coming from other students and even teachers on either side of the hall, but she couldn't accept this. Her boyfriend cheated on her the same day that she lost all the stuff in her locker to a "flood", to top it all off her Mom wouldn't be home for another two days.

     She felt so alone, no one is here for her. Her Dad left when she was six, her best friend moved to New York and her Mom is constantly traveling. Peyton is at her wits end. After getting home with a soaked backpack and a bill from the school for more than $300 dollars worth of school materials she'd had enough. She gripped the rim of the porcelain sink and tried to steady her hands. She's trying to control the urge to explode.

"One last time," she whispered to herself.

One. Last. Time.

     Then she'd stop taking them, she'd flush them down the toilet and never look back. Peyton reached for her anxiety medication that her therapist prescribed her. Shaking a blue pill out of the bottle and into her hand she filled a cup with tap water and swallowed down the pill. She was about to throw them in the toilet when she realized that if she told her therapist that she'd done it again she'd be cut off and she'd be admitted to the hospital again by her aunt. She'd tried so hard to get the people at school to like her, no matter how she dressed, styled her hair or makeup she wore they wouldn't stop.

     She dreamed of leaving the small, judgemental town and living out her dream of being a singer. That's the only thing that keeps her going, her will to live is the music that she's passionate about. Her favorite bands are her inspiration, All Time Low, Pan!c at the Disco, Memphis May Fire and Sleeping with Sirens, to name a few. She sang when she is sad, the words of the misunderstood people kept her going. One day she hopes that the anxiety will lessen up and she can inspire others who are going through life's harshest moments to survive because the journey may never be easy but it's always worth it.

*End of Writing Prompt*

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Big News

Big News!!
I'm going to start doing Writing Prompt Wednesdays and you can suggest anything you want me to write.

Saturday, October 15, 2016

I Started a Youtube Channel

I just wanted to let you know that I started a youtube channel. I'll like one of my videos down below. If you have any video suggestions that you'd like to see me do then please leave a comment. 
Have a good day/night guys.

Sunday, October 9, 2016

5 Seconds of Summer VS. One Direction

Image result for popular 5sos pics

     With more than 2 million fans around the world, almost everyone knows who these four boys from Australia are. Their rise in popularity increased when they were discovered by One Direction on Youtube. Ashton, Calum, Luke, and Michael are 5 Seconds of Summer. With a fresh break after their Sounds Good Feels Good Tour, they've definitely earned a vacation. Let's talk about a major topic that this genre of music gets mistakenly based on.

     Some people don't understand the difference between a boy band and a band of boys who play their own music and write their own songs. 5 Seconds of Summer are constantly being compared to the popular boy band One Direction, I'm not saying that's a bad thing I love both bands, it's just very annoying because 5sos, as the fans call them, don't even share the same genre of music as 1D. Yes, both bands cover songs from different artists, What I Like About You by The Romantics and Eminem's song Lose Yourself for example, but with each cover, they twist the song into their own style. The boys of 5 Seconds of Summer would rather be compared to their brother bands, All Time Low, Green Day or Blink-182.

Image result for 1d gifs

      Let's compare the two bands, One Direction sing high pitches with catchy, cliche teenage girl melting lyrics, like their hit song What Makes You Beautiful, that are added to their music which is prerecorded and played at their concerts while 5 Seconds of  Summer perform their own music, a punk rock sound of drums played by Ashton , electric guitars, played by Luke and Michael, and Calum Hood's bass guitar. 5sos usually get a bit too excited and if you look them up on youtube they are heard screaming their lyrics or saying they forgot the words. One Direction, now a four-piece quartet since Zayn left, are more of a mellow band with some funky moves and less screaming from the band during concerts. I do love both bands and each of their unique sounds, don't get me wrong, I just see the differences in each band while the differences that make each band who they are set fangirls around the world into debates.

So in the end, both of these bands are amazing in my opinion, they're all extremely talented and good looking men that I would love to meet. I wish them both all the support in the world. I'd like to hear from you. What do you think of these two bands? Are you a Directioner or part of the 5sos Family?

Saturday, October 8, 2016

Book/Movie Review of The Giver by Luis Lowry

     The book The Giver by Luis Lowry was written in 1993 and won the Newbery Medal the following year. In 2014, a movie was made about the book that sold more than 10,000 copies.  I admit that I had mixed feelings about this book. I read the book until Jonas's father unknowing killed one of the twin babies who didn't qualify for a family unit. Knowing now what I wish I had known last year I wish I would've continued reading.

     The Giver stars a boy named Jonas who is twelve in the book, and in the movie you can definitely tell Jonas's age is changed to sixteen. I guess the producers thought that a twelve-year-old cannot make ultimate life decisions in this day and age. It follows Jonas on his journey through the inquisitive job that is chosen for him called The Reciever of Memories. As you go further into the book/movie you slowly realize how life would be if we had no memories, no choice, and the inability to see colors.

     The supporting cast, Giver, and Asher, and Jonas's love interest, Fiona, show that even in a world without differences and originality personalities do exist to a certain extent. The community members in this book are forced to have good grammar, proper words, and basically no fun. There are no cars so they travel around by bike, given to them at the age of nine, electric motorcycles and drone-like plane. Babies are basically bread for the family units by Birth Mothers which I find intriguing because they go straight to the Nurturing Center and then to their assigned families they don't get a chance to be loved by their true family instead they're placed with strangers. The community doesn't know or understand the meaning of love or compassion. They have no knowledge of the crulty, beauty, and true joy that is experienced in our world. They find dancing perplexing, have comfort objects, like the "hippo", and everything is the same as the last.

     The unoriginality of the book and film reminds me of the show I used to watch as a child where Timmy Turner wished for everything to be the same and they all turn into grayscale blobs. I honestly would rate this movie as a seven out of ten. Though Jonas showed courage, chivalry and a sense of right and wrong which made him unique, the lack of creativity when it came to the movie could be seen. I am not saying that even in a bland world we should have something different and exciting, I just think they could've shown more detail about not only Jonas's job of being The Reciever but they could've explained more about how he was chosen and the characteristics that The Receiver possesses.

Please comment, I would love to hear your opinion on the story as well.