Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Writing Prompt Wendesday #4

All of my writing prompts I got from Pinterest.

I heard a knock on my door at midnight. The only people I know who would dare knock at midnight are my best friend, Sara-Anne, and my little brother Jason. That wasn't the case today, I opened my door to find a cloaked teenager. He shoved his way in and sat down at my table. I followed him to the table even though I haven't a clue who he is. He takes off his hood to reveal a head of dark brown hair and blue eyes. 

"Who are you?" I questioned.

"My name is Atlas, my father is the Devil and he sent me here to give you your soul back. We need a favor."

"What kind of favor?" I leaned towards Atlas.

"My father wants me to take over for him. He is in bad health after a battle. I don't want to be the Devil, most hated man in the world. You know, besides Hitler. Father agreed that if I can gain a wife in the human world he will let me live here and live the position to my sister, Sasha." Atlas explained.

"Where do I come into all this?" 

"You're contract with my father is up, Juliet, and I was hoping that you would let me stay here while I try and find a wife. You're very pretty and I will respect your space. I promise I won't hurt you. I bound my powers and plan to become a lawyer. I want to help people, not hurt them. Though everyone in Hell deserves to be there, I don't agree that they couldn't have been changed in their past."

I secretly awed at his change of heart, not letting himself be overwhelmed by his fathers judgement. I do have a spare bedroom and I was planning on putting up an ad for a roommate soon. Besides, I don't think I could turn down someone as cute as Atlas.

"I have a spare room that you could stay in, Atlas. I will only let you stay if you give me a chance to become your wife. I don't want to pressure you but at least I understand your past. I can help you apply for law school as well. Deal?" I offered my hand to Atlas.

"Deal." Atlas reached into his pocket and grasped an orb of light before shaking my hand, returning my soul to me in the process.

"You can move in immediately, go back to Hell and inform your father. I'll clean that room out." I stood up and tried to walk, I ended up almost falling if Atlas hadn't caught me.

"Believe it or not it does take a minute to let your soul sink in. You should sit down." He said, leading me over to my gray couch and gently sitting down, with his arm around me.

"Try and sleep, I'll be back in a bit with my stuff." Atlas said before vanishing.

*Two years later*

"Atlas, where's Mocha? I can't find her." I called to my husband from our room.

"She's outside, getting a start on making our backyard hers. You okay in there, Juliet?" His voice got louder as he walked across the house and into our room.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I can handle a box or two, Atlas. I am not helpless." I huffed, annoyed.

"I know, Jules." Atlas stated, hugging me from behind and kissing my cheek.

Laughing, I turned around and kissed him properly. We've had our ups and downs since his father let him live in the human world. We've been happily married for a year and Atlas just got his first job as a lawyer. A couple of months ago we found out we were pregnant, I usually get my period every two months. I am four months pregnant now and we are so excited.

Atlas sank down to his knees and kissed my growing belly. Life with our bundle of joy is going to be great.

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